Laser Hair Removal: How Does It Work?

Marketing Director

Women's hands in blue gloves hold laser hair removal equipment.

Whether summer is coming up or you have a big event to attend, hair removal is one of the top preparation priorities. Laser hair removal is a popular method for removing unwanted hair, but how does it work? Keep reading to learn more about how laser hair removal works and whether it’s right for you.

How does laser hair removal work?


Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that can be done at a San Antonio Laser Hair Removal facility. The process uses lasers to remove unwanted hair. The laser emits light energy that travels through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicle. This energy damages the hair follicle and prevents it from producing new hairs. The number of treatments you need depends on your skin type, hair color, and the location of the hair being removed.

Hair that is lighter in color requires more treatments than darker hair. The coverage also matters—the more area that is treated, the more treatments you will need. After each treatment, the hairs will become thinner and less visible until they are eventually eliminated. Laser hair removal is easier to perform on people with a combination of dark hair and light skin. However, that doesn’t mean people with light hair or deep skin tones can’t get their hair lasered. Certain treatments help target the needs of people who have these features. For example, Alexandrite lasers are suitable for lighter skin tones, while diode lasers are good for darker skin tones.

What to expect from subsequent treatment sessions?

The laser hair removal process is typically repeated every 4-6 weeks, depending on the treated area. During each session, the laser technician will use a handpiece to direct light pulses onto the skin. The technician may test the laser on a small skin patch to determine the best settings for your treatment. Most people feel only a mild heat sensation during treatment. After your first session, you may experience some redness and swelling in the treated area, but this should subside within a day or two. You can resume normal activities immediately after treatment. Still, it’s important to avoid sun exposure before and after each session, as this can increase the risk of skin irritation and burning.

What are the risks and benefits of laser hair removal?


Laser hair removal is safe and doesn’t typically cause any side effects beyond some pain in the area you’re removing hair from. However, there are some rare side effects to keep in mind, like bruising and scarring. To avoid potential side effects, be sure to choose a reputable laser hair removal facility with clean supplies and good reviews. It’s also crucial to follow your specialist’s after-care instructions.

There are numerous benefits involved with laser hair removal. One significant benefit is the convenience it offers. Since laser hair removal lasts a long time, you no longer have to worry about scheduling waxes or shaving in the shower. This is great if you go to the beach often or live in a warm climate that calls for shorts and tank tops. Laser hair removal is also a safe procedure. It does not require any needles or surgery, and most people report little to no pain. The procedure is also relatively short, lasting only a few minutes. The only drawback is that you may have to attend multiple sessions.

If you’re not sold on the benefits, try to compare the cost of laser hair removal against other hair removal treatments. While laser hair removal can be expensive in the short term, you’ll end up saving money in the long term. Treatments like waxing add up—especially since waxing is not a permanent hair removal solution. Additionally, shaving requires you to regularly purchase supplies like razors and shaving cream, which can get expensive.

Overall, laser hair removal is an important treatment to consider because it is a safe and effective way to remove hair. It can be used on any area of the body, and it is a quick and easy treatment to undergo.